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Lets study

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Lets study Empty Lets study

發表 由 Ar Kit 周四 10月 16, 2008 12:05 pm

你! Fuck you!
你老母! Fuck you!
Fuck your mom!
佢老母! Fuck the fucking fucker!
你啦死仆街! Fuck you, you fucking fuck!
你去仆街啦! Go fuck yourself!
Fuck off and die!
你真係死蠢呀仆街! You stupid fuck!
那媽!條樣乜都搞到一鑊泡。 Motherfucker! This dickhead has fucked up everything.
呢條碌真係不知所謂。 This stupid prick is a fucking piece of shit.
佢過去幾年死蠢表現真係到令人難以置信。 His shitty performance over the past years is un-fucking-believable.
一塌糊塗!但佢一都唔覺得醜。 What a fucking mess! But he does not feel the least bit ashamed.
條豬白癡真係唔死都冇用。 This fucking idiot is a worthless asshole who might as well fucking kill himself.
佢鴻圖大計全部都係廢話。 All his grand plans are just fucking bullshit.
佢滷味以為自己係一哥,其實咪係隻含舔食屎狗。 He fucking thinks he's the boss when he is nothing but a cunt licking cock sucking ass-kisser.
條仆街用屎窟諗。 This dumbfuck has shit for brains.
老實講,佢乜都唔識。 Frankly, he doesn't know shit.
每次見到條廢柴窒口窒舌咁講廢話就扯火,宜得兜巴摑到佢仆街。 Everytime I saw that fuckchop jibbering rubbish, I got so pissed off that I wanted to smack the shit out of him.
呢個又蠢又固執老究竟知唔知自己做緊乜? Does this fuck-headed old man know what the bloody hell he is doing?
太過份! It's too fucking much!
點解呢條仆街廢柴重可以繼續做落去?我真係唔明白。 Why is such a lamefuck still allowed to stay in his job? I just don't fucking get it.
我真係好憎條仆街。 I really hate that son of a bitch.
呢條仆街咸家鏟打得佢少! He's the fucking cocksucker who needs the shit kicked out of him.
正一仆街契弟! What a fucking dick lick faggot!
收皮啦,廢! Fucking go home, you useless cunt!
快仆街啦,賤人! Drop dead, you pigfucker!
那星仆街咸家鏟! Fucking-fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuuuuuck!
睇佢地,成班都係食屎屙飯白癡! Look at them, what a bunch of cretinous shithead fuckwads!
我前途掌握呢班死蠢仆街手裡面,都咪話唔心實。 It is fucking sad that our future is in the hands of these god damn fuckwits.
你班死白癡擦鞋仔,食屎啦! Eat shit, you fucking lame brain bootlickers!
傾你老母! Can I have a word with you?
Fuck off!
我今日心情好差。 I feel like ass today.
快收聲,唔係打你! Fucking shut up or I'll beat the shit out of you!
我實爆你隻屎眼! I'm gonna shove my big fat dick up your ass.
搵日我實到佢反肚。 One of these days I'm gonna fuck the shit out of him.
含啦你! Why don't you go and fuck yourself?
Fuck off!
Fuck you!
死開啦! Fuck off!
Get the fuck out of here!
Piss off!
!佢大姨媽。 Shit! She is having a visit from Aunt Flo.
!做把咩。 Fuck! What's the fucking use of doing that fucking shit?
仆街!鎖匙留屋企度。 Fuck! I have left my keys at home.
!又衰。 Damn! I have screwed it up again.
仆街!唔記得個密碼。 Oh, fuck! I've forgotten the password.
!揩花架車。 God damn it, I fucking scratched my car.
你慳啦! Go fuck a duck!
嘩!條女好索。 Wow! That girl is fucking beautiful.
我開開會,放個好臭無聲屁,真係瘀到震。 In the middle of the meeting, I cut loose with a silent but deadly. It was so fucking embarrassing.
搵笨咋,專門呃初哥。 It's just a fucking con trick to fool the newbies.
你度做乜呀? What the fuck are you doing here?
What are you fucking doing here?
條友好戇。 That guy is a damn fool.
呢度熱死人呀。 It is too damn hot here.
佢唱歌好掂。 He's a damn good singer.
條友係邊個? Who the hell is that guy?
呢乜? What the hell is this shit?
你以為你係邊個呀? Who the hell do you think you are?
你去邊度呀? Where the hell are you going?
你點解呃佢? Why the hell did you cheat him?
咁好伙記,我點樣炒得落手? How the hell can I fire such a good employee?
佢手車好辣。 He's a hell of a driver.
佢講棟篤笑講得好精采。 He's a fucking brilliant standup comedian.
呢係乜? What the fuck is this?
咁真係好荒謬。 This is fucking ridiculous.
你有冇搞錯呀! What's fucking wrong with you!
我好趕呀。 I am in a fucking hurry.
呢條友真係好。 This guy is really shitty.
呢本書真係到暈。 This book is a real piece of shit.
我成世人都未見過到咁淒涼。 It's the most worthless piece of shit I've ever seen in my fucking life.
你想點樣就點樣啦。 Do what the fuck you want to do.
咁你想我點樣? Well, what the fuck do you want from me?
咁就正晒。 That'd be fucking great.
個插蘇邊度呀? Where the fuck is the socket?
佢同條仔第一次約會就上床,但係兩日後條仔就飛佢。 She had sex with the guy on their first date. But he fucking dumped her two days later.
你講得好。 You're fucking-A right.
You're fucking-A-number-one right.
我發誓冇做過! I didn't fucking do it, I swear!
我快走啦! Let's get the fuck out of here!
搞乜呀? What the fuck is going on here?
咁點樣? So fucking what?
我理得咁多。/我話之佢啦。 I don't give a fuck.
I don't give a damn.
I don't give a shit.
好唔好食?好條! How's the food?
It sucks. / It tastes like shit.
你唔出聲,邊個知? If you keep quiet, who's gonna fucking find out?
喂,唔使咁擔心。 Come on, don't be a pussy about it.
喂,使乜咁騰雞呀,冇乜大不了。 C'mon, don't be such a chickenshit - it's really no big deal.
廢話咪多講。 Now cut the crap.
Don't talk bullshit.
可唔可以借錢畀我?借你條! Can you lend me some money?
Damned / Fucked if I will!
畀你嚇死。 You scared me shitless.
佢好惡死咁睥實我,又豎起隻中指對我做個粗口手勢。 He stared at me angrily and gave me a fucking finger.
死臭,你夠膽咁樣同我講? You cunt bitch whore. How dare you fucking ever talk to me like that.
佢出晒名係完鬆啦。 He's a notorious fuck-and-run guy.
死仔,你整壞我部電腦喇! You've screwed my computer, asshole!
唔打,到死喇! How about another four rounds of mahjong?
No, I'm fucked.
條碌戇,連自己大相公都唔知。 The jackass didn't even notice he had a long suit.
行快啦! Move your fucking ass!
Get your ass in gear!
點知喎。 Is he coming?
Fuck knows / Fuck if I know.
你呃我咩! You're shitting me!
唔使理規條! Fuck the rules!
佢落足咀頭想條肥上床。 He tried to talk the fat ass into bed.
佢心情唔多靚,你精就唔好去惹佢。 You don't want to fuck with him. He's in bad moods.
如果你再搞喎單,我實聽仆街。 If you fuck this up again, we'll be in deep shit.
個計劃衰晒。 The project was a complete fuck-up.
喂,咪亂搞我架新相機。 Hey, don't fuck with my new camera.
個房入面乜都冇。 There's fuck all in the room.
我成日乜都冇食過呀。 I've had fuck all to eat all day.
我畀個仆街經紀呃。 I got fucked by the fucking broker.
大佬,條女唔係醜,係好醜! Man, the bitch is not just ugly, she's fugly!
佢正一係爛口鬼,講少句粗口都唔得。 He's a god damn potty-mouth who cannot go one second without saying one fucking swearword.

Ar Kit

文章總數 : 252
注冊日期 : 2008-08-04

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發表 由 Ming 周五 10月 17, 2008 2:47 am

好實用,都話你英文勁啦 Exclamation

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注冊日期 : 2008-08-12

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